Stalling but NOT doing Nothing


ok so here's a little follow up and post game show to some the travels and learnings that I have been able to be a part of for the last two years or so ( since my PC crashed and I lost ALL previous works ( no pun. intended ) :P.... I know most ( or the The Few ) aren't in the Portland/ Sellwood area but... un- fortunately my art .. is sooooooo :P new to MY style ( no prtetntion I swear!!!)
I Don't want to show any pictures until after the Opening at least ( due to commissioned works, etc.. ) ;)
hope to see ya' there
pz Marc Opek


FTA Contest Results

LAAAADIES AAAAAAAAND GENTLEMEN....The gloves have come off, the votes have been counted and a well deserved round of beers have been ordered.

Artist from all over the globe threw down for the first ever 2econd nature "FRESHER THAN AIR" battle, competing for blood, love or simply just dropping knowledge on an unsuspecting public for the chance at some fresh prizes.

We had a great turnout with 14 artists all squaring off against each other in their chosen fields of street art, some getting their hands dirty for the first time EVER.

I can hear you all yelling now "what was the end result?" "who won?" you Haven't heard yet??
Fresher than air is officially a group!! So go here now -----> Fresher Than Air Battles to see the results and become a member for updates on the next contest!!

See you there ...PZ lung-carnage, 2econd Nature.


adult toys


Okay, so is this what we REALLY think about business - people ?

*the guy on the left is holding a flask, one guy's chuggin' a mug and another has his tie around his head!! Well, maybe they aren't too far off.....


Back to school


"Your approach to what you do results in what you get. Attitude comes through in production. Face the serpent head on. When you feel inclined to vent, circumvent instead. Actions create identity not possessions. The highest reward for labor is not what you get for it but what you become by it. Mere things are baggage and shadows to true skills. One person's desires are another person's pliers."

excerpt from Byline : Mean Spirits


It's all a matter of priorities...


Dad's all over the world have spoke these words to us Youngin's.....

...started moving and realized the backyard was missing something...
well WE got that fire pit dug in... and did fire stuff all night until the next day.. yielding massive hangovers... maybe I'll finish moving today :P



... another one the friends and partners that has been forged.. a large 360 CAFE mural is in the works ... hopefully going up this Fall inside one Ogden's chill spots..

Miguels' 360 Cafe

155 25th Street
Ogden, UT



runners NOT joggers


"off the the couch" (no training) Harrisville "Heritage Days 5K"
--Marc Opek placed 8th

" I HATE socks; but you'll NEVER catch me in SANDALS".. why???
marc opek

* painting in the background is titled "We RUN This"


sit by us


great eats, coffee and awesome- ly obnoxious soccer fans

151 West 200 South
Salt Lake City

it's all family


Marc Opek and Jason Checketts... cousins in law, Jason's doing big things with "SLYDE Clothing" all over the west to mid west.

check pimp website SLYDE CLOTHING or their Blog
Slyde Clothing

and be on the lookout for future collabs between 2nd Nature & SLYDE


eating paint


now that 2econd has started their paint can collection


.. here's another one .. stay tuned for more

"BLUBBER Magic" .. I scored some small low pressure cans from of theirs as well

picked 'em up form one of the new 2nd Nature connectworks.. more info on that shop in future posts



How NOT to sell paint


if want to prevent kids from buying paint locally... make the shit paint cost more than the good stuff


some REAL underground


...awoke in a small town to some REAL underground beats



Ogden Sunset and the Great Salt Lake


      ..... we left the house Thursday morning at four am sharp.  12 hours later .. by four pm we arrived in Ogden, Utah.
      Although I was really tired from the drive, I decided to set up camp & hike up to the top of Malans Point (overlooking Ogden and The Great Salt Lake).  I stayed and watched the sunset and the most amazing dragonfly hatch.  They were swarming all over and the fluttering sounds of their wings was just surreal.
       It should also be noted that while I was up in Taylor Canyon I meet up with a local guide who was actually from Seattle. I will post his contact info later. He has a wealth of relating to the local skiing and hiking.. And Scott!! ---- 40 min coming down!! BEAT THAT BUDDY  :D
 till the next time..peace y'all


Get Fresher Than This

If you haven't heard by now getting some fresh air is this summers next big thing!!

Artists from all points of the globe have taken their craft outside to freshen up they surroundings, tearing away from the sketchbook and computer to create something for 2econd nature's resident graff maniac, Mr. Tryst Carnage and the "fresher than air" contest.

Got some materials laying about and feelin a little creative?? get out there and make YOUR world a little fresher, paste something up, design a dope sticker or go paint a burner on a local wall.

We here at 2nd challenge you to use your imagination and step out that front door this summer....anything goes, any style, any medium just needs to be out in the street and have the words "fresher than air" somewhere on it.. submissions have been extended till the 3rd of August, get the full details here ----> Fresher than air contest


Mr. Spray

Mr. Spray

So while we were out doing some kayaking

came across this Bad Boy Toy

You know you ain't heard of it..  .. SHITS THE NEXT HOT BRAND!!! small towns first :D
 I swear